
P. +358 (0)400 415 098 | Peikkometsäntie 2 | 42100 Jämsä
Private events at full throttle in Himos. Race with us, not on the highway!

Public swimming hall Koskikara

P. +358 (0)40 712 2522 | Koskikarantie 1 | 42300 Jämsänkoski
From the swimming center Koskikara you will find training pool, therapy pool, chindren´s pool and gym. You can use sauna and steam room as well. The Koskikara offers you a chance for iceswimming (in winter). And in the summer you can swim in the nearby lake Koskikeskinen. From the cafe you will find drinks and snacks.

Himos Areena

Tel. +358 (0)20 711 9230 | | Säyryläntie 445 | 42100 Jämsä
During the wintertime Himos Areena party weekends are filled with great Finnish artists and bands, age limit 18.

Himos Safaries

Tel. +358 (0)20 711 9230 | |
Länsi-Himoksentie 4 | 42100 Jämsä
Himos Safaries specialises in arranging adventures, games and expeditions for families, groups and companies – all year round.

Himos-Jämsä Tourist Information

Tel. +358 (0)50 372 0069 Tourist Information |
Himos-Jämsä stays in your heart.
Check all our tourism services

Wild West – Willi Länsi

Tel. +358 (0)20 711 9285 | | Peikkometsä 2 | 42100 Jämsä
The newest and most exciting entertainment center Willi Länsi, The Wild West, offers things to do all year round in a personal way.
Bowl, pay padel or golf all year around! Himos´living room, the bistro-style Saloon, seats 150 guests. Also at Wild West is the Ole.Fit Himos gym and the Simulator World.

Längelmäki Halli Oy

Tel. +358 (0)500 964 812 | | Jykintie |
35400 Längelmäki
For more information and booking via phone or e-mail.